Step Into The Moss And Feel the Forested Nature of Taiwan
A living moss wall that purifies urban space and minds.
Honoring nature by contributing to its legacy
Tailored for indoor environments in Taiwan, MOSSLEE nurtures Taiwan’s world-class treasure: moss. By creating an automated system for a moss-growing environment with precise watering and lighting, MOSSLEE reinvents microcosmic forests in urban life.
為台灣室內環境量身打造,MOSSLEE 苔蘚牆呵護台灣的世界級珍寶:苔蘚,自動化系統提供苔蘚穩定的生長環境、精準給水給光,成就年復一年世代循環的真實永續苔蘚牆,縮影呈現台灣山林之美。
Sustainable, ecological art for health and well-being
MOSSLEE integrates eco-friendliness, sustainability, design, and natural aesthetics, flourishing moss green into homes, corporate public spaces, health facilities, and commercial environments across the country. Multi-functional as both biological air filtration and evolving ecological art, our moss walls have become urban gateways to forests, enhancing the physical and mental well-being of families, friends, employees, and society through the healing power of nature.
MOSSLEE 結合永續研發技術、室內設計與藝術美學,將一座座微型森林植入居家、企業公共空間、商業空間與醫療院所,成就一座永續生物過濾系統,一幅不斷變化的生態藝術,同時也是一片平和靜心的風景。
MOSSLEE 透過苔蘚牆,專注為家人朋友、企業夥伴與社會,傳遞自然對身心的療癒力量與祝福。
A Synthesis of Functionality and Aesthetic Brilliance
Our moss wall represents a harmonious synthesis of functionality and aesthetic brilliance. Thriving through natural growth, it purifies the air and provides fresh oxygen, creating a healthier indoor environment. With its elegantly slim rectangular design, our moss wall effectively utilizes indoor vertical space, transforming our surroundings into a natural artwork that reflects the enchanting interplay of mountains, water, and nature’s beauty.
Each moment of the moss’s ecological cycle reminds us of life’s delicate balance, inviting us to pause, breathe, and embrace the tranquility that nature offers.
MOSSLEE 苔蘚牆同時具備功能性與美學價值:苔蘚依靠自然生長即可持續淨化空氣,提供氧氣;我們的苔蘚牆如畫般輕薄,有效運用室內垂直空間。
MOSSLEE 苔蘚牆是自然的藝術品,融合了山、水、畫的元素,框景呈現苔蘚生態循環的每個瞬間,引領我們與自然一起靜心呼吸。
A Proposal to Enrich the ESG Program and Elevate Quality of Life
ESG 與生活品質提升方案
We can never thank nature enough for its infinite selflessness in embracing and nourishing us. Our moss walls facilitate a harmonious coexistence between people and nature, fostering awareness of biodiversity and connections with the natural world.
Visualized as a painting or a landscape, our moss walls embody the rhythm of natural beauty, resonating with the softness, resilience, positivity, and tranquility shared between people and nature, providing endless philosophical inspiration.
Therefore, we proudly present our products as a proposal to enrich the corporate ESG program and elevate the quality of life.
感謝自然從不停止無私地包容、幫助與滋養我們,MOSSLEE 藉由苔蘚牆,發展人與自然共同生活、生物多樣性與綠色共融的生活意識。
因此,我們自豪地向您呈上 MOSSLEE 苔蘚牆:ESG 與生活品質的提升方案。
‘Drift,’ Taiwan International Interior Design Expo, 2024 / 「涓 Drift」台灣國際室內設計博覽會 2024
‘Prototype,’ Creative Expo Taiwan 2023: Momentum Museum / 「原型 Prototype」2023 臺灣文博會:野性博物館
‘Prototype,’ Taiwan Design Week, 2023, TDRI, Taiwan/「原型 Prototype」2023 臺灣設計週
‘Prototype,’ ‘Drift,’ Taipei Building Show, 2023, Taiwan/「原型 Prototype」、「涓 Drift」2023 台北國際建築建材暨產品展
FENKO Catalysis Chamber
FENKO 鳳嬌催化室
SUHO Memorial Paper Museum
MOSSLEE, FENKO Catalysis Chamber, and SUHO Memorial Paper Museum are all interconnected.
Lino Lee, the director of MOSSLEE and FENKO Catalysis Chamber, is the third generation of Chang Chun Paper Mill in Nantou, Taiwan, and the daughter of the director of SUHO Memorial Paper Museum. Graduating from the University of Sydney with a degree in science, she turned away from a career in medicine to commit herself to a lifelong dedication to culture that heals hearts. Since then, Lino has initiated several meaningful projects, including the application of new materials in daily life, such as paper yarn and paper bricks, the creation of environmentally friendly paper installation art, collaboration with enterprises on ESG artistic projects, and the provision of professional paper and derived products for preservation and restoration in institutions across Taiwan, China, and Japan. Our clients span corporates, brands, museums, institutions, and commercial spaces.
MOSSLEE 苔裏、FENKO 鳳嬌催化室、SUHO 樹火紀念紙博物館,一脈單承。
MOSSLEE 苔裏與 FENKO 鳳嬌催化室的總監李依耘,是臺灣南投紙業公司長春棉紙的第三代,SUHO 樹火紀念紙博物館館長的女兒。畢業於雪梨大學理學系,在即將踏入醫界之際,轉身,承繼文化事業的職志,因為文化能治癒社會的心靈。
FENKO 鳳嬌催化室至今開啟了多項有意義的專案,包括發展新材質紙紗纖維、紙泥磚於生活的應用、創作友善環境的紙質裝置藝術、與企業合作 ESG 永續企劃,以及提供臺灣、中國、日本機構保存修復專業用紙與衍生產品,我們的客戶遍及美術館、博物館、企業品牌以及商業空間。
FENKO 鳳嬌催化室 [ 門市空間 ]
客戶案例:楠弘集團 Antao by Villeroy & Boch [ 策展製作 ]
客戶案例:台北富邦銀行竹南分行 [ 客製裝置藝術 ]
臺北市立美術館:Heterogeneous 崎 [ 策展製作 ]
© 2023 MOSSLEE All rights reserved.